Ranked: What America Moved By Rail In 2023

Ranked: What America Moved By Rail In 2023

Rail freight is a crucial component of U.S. infrastructure, transporting millions of tons of various materials and connecting the nation’s ports and cities to enhance both domestic and international trade. In 2023, the focus was on the types of materials moved by U.S. rail.

What Does U.S. Rail Freight Move?

One of rail's key strengths is its versatility. In 2023, rail freight transported nearly 1.8 million metric tons of a wide range of materials across the nation's 140,000-mile rail network. This included items such as wood, chemicals, vehicle parts, and waste products. Notably, energy products, particularly coal, oil, and natural gas, were the most frequently transported materials.

Why Choose Rail?
Rail serves as an exceptionally versatile transportation mode, supporting a wide array of industries and the U.S. economy. It acts as a vital connection point between trucking and shipping services.

Rail also distinguishes itself through its history of safety and sustainability. According to the Federal Railroad Administration, rail accident rates have decreased by 27%, and incidents involving hazardous materials have dropped by 75% since 2000.