Cargo Theft Numbers Finally... Drop in Q2?

Cargo Theft Numbers Finally... Drop in Q2?

Cargo theft continues to rise, with Verisk’s CargoNet recording 771 incidents in Q2 this year. This marks a 33% increase compared to the same period last year, though it's a 10% decrease from the record highs in Q1.

The average shipment value in Q2 was $150,711, with an estimated $68.5 million in freight stolen.

The report highlights shifts in theft behaviors. Organized cargo theft groups in Southern California targeted high-value items like motor oil and computer electronics less frequently. 

Instead, thieves showed a growing preference for vitamins and supplements, alcoholic beverages (mainly liquor), and over-the-counter skincare products.

California, Texas, and Illinois remained the top states for theft activity. The top five counties—Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside in California, Cook in Illinois, and Dallas in Texas—saw a significant drop in reported incidents, in line with the 10% decrease from Q1. However, theft activity remained steady in most other areas.