Cargo Theft Leads to Massive $5 Million Warehouse Bust In CA

In a series of raids from the South Bay to Hollywood, the Los Angeles Police Department uncovered $5 million worth of stolen Nike merchandise. The police arrested a 37-year-old man who was observed delivering stolen Nike products.

Cargo Theft Leads to Massive $5 Million Warehouse Bust In CA

In a series of raids from the South Bay to Hollywood, the Los Angeles Police Department uncovered $5 million worth of stolen Nike merchandise. The police arrested a 37-year-old man who was observed delivering stolen Nike products.

The arrested individual, Roy Lee Harvey Jr., is accused of receiving, distributing, and reselling the stolen goods in significant quantities.

Following Harvey Jr.'s delivery of Nike products to a warehouse in Hawthorne, the police executed raids on both the Hawthorne warehouse and another one in Hollywood.

During the searches, police, along with Nike’s Global Security Director and other supply chain investigators, discovered thousands of pairs of stolen Nike shoes, clothing, accessories, and unique prototypes valued at approximately $5 million.

The crackdown on organized retail and cargo theft in Los Angeles is particularly significant due to the massive influx of retail goods through the Port of Los Angeles for distribution across the country via rail and truck.

Courtesy: Patch