Fraud On The Rise: Truckstop Phishing Scheme

Fraud On The Rise: Truckstop Phishing Scheme

Phishing scams are on the rise again, this time targeting Truckstop users.

While we've discussed these schemes in past newsletters, it's important to stay vigilant. In this instance, the scammers are using a domain name similar to to trick you into giving them your actual Truckstop login credentials.

Image: Additional Truckstop scam sites revealed by West Computers, X

These email schemes try get your account details so they can steal your login credentials to double broker loads or try to steal your identity.

Here's how to stay safe:

  • Always double-check the sender's email address before clicking any links or entering information.
  • Legitimate emails from Truckstop will come from a domain ending in "".
  • If you're unsure about an email's authenticity, contact Truckstop directly to verify.